Thursday, April 24, 2008

More carnage and something for the pessimists.

Hi all, the ice at Edmonton has taken some more victims and as I drove through there yesterday the cars were still spinning off the roads.
So, onto the new drama which is how H&R are going to get me to the East so I can go to Erics wedding? I reckon that there must be at least 20 loads a day head east,if not more, but can or will H&R give me one? No, they wont!
I so far have had to refuse 2 loads which would of taken me across to BC and then would have to wait for a load from there. The lastest one being load at Edmonton tonight (24th), deliver Lethbridge, take a load to High River then pick up a load to go to Quebec which would be great. Except the load was to deliver at 0200hr on the 28th which meant I had 4 days to do roughly 2700 miles including the loads/unloads and would of meant driving hard through the night.Sorry but thats not for me and to be honest I am sick of lads bragging how they run 2 log books,do 1000miles a day and so on, good luck to you and get on with it.
So I am still waiting at Edmonton and unless things change I will do the run to Lethbridge,dump the truck and hire a car to get me to New York.
I have been here almost 8 months and this is the first time I have requested time off, all other time has been due to breakdown or forced layovers. Speaking of which I am still waiting to get paid from the ones in the Layover log.
In my opinion I think its disgraceful the way I have been treat over the last few weeks, first the fiasco with my truck being taken off me and now this holiday issue. I have lost a fortune and so far this month have only driven the same mileage as the "yes" men have done in a week because work is apparentley quiet? Well it is for some as H&R must think that we dont speak to other drivers and believe me when I say some boys are getting plenty of work. That is not a dig at the lads who are getting the work but its aimed at how the loads are allocated.
I dont know whats going to happen over the next week,but,I will be in New York regardless for next Thursday.
I will keep you updated as I have my fingers crossed that things work out well.


Anonymous said...

Hello mate,

That's not on really is it? How much notice did you give them? Will you just take the time off unpaid? I have noticed how some drivers get what they want and some don't. Are the ones that don't the ones that stick up for themselves? Running TWO log books? Does this really go on at H&R?

Montedarlo said...

Hi Andy, yup, running 2 logbooks does go on unless of course the lads are trying to make themselves look "clever" and telling lies.
All holidays taken are unpaid as you earn 4% of your wage for holidays and this is paid weekly.
My time off was booked months ago and dispatch have been reminded twice weekly for the last 3weeks that I need to be over on the east side for next thursday.
It seems that if you keep your head down, dont make a fuss then you are forgotten about, and I agree some drivers do get what they want,no questions asked.
Like always I post about the good and the bad, just seems lately its all been pretty grim reading.

Anonymous said...

If you spent more time driving and less time swanning around casino's, taking your time only driving 750km a day, perhaps H&R will take notice of you. Any company will give the good work to drivers they can relay on. If you act like a tourist, then dont be surpised when you get treated like a visitor. Welcome to Canada!! Second you best be able to back up what you say, if you employeer desided to sue over your alligations, you better be able to prove them! lastly your company could be taken off the PNP program if they are mis-treating there drivers. You are playing with a lot of drivers futures!! Get a grip!

Montedarlo said...

Hi Anon, interesting you didnt post you email. Lets get one thing straight, I have never been late for a delivery, and until the last few days I have only refused 2 loads both of which involved driving way beyond what is legal.
Everything I write about what happens to me is the truth and can be backed up 100%.
The work I have been given does not warrant driving huge mileages in a day and if I wish to park or stop for lunch at a casino then surely that is my perogative, would you like me to stop in a pull-out?
Everything H&R promised me has happened,why would they lose the ability to be part of the PNP program ? Just because I am moaning about something that hasnt happened yet?
Obviously you are in Canada, and I like the "get a grip". With what exactly, I would be really interested in hearing about that,only telling people stuff they want to hear is maybe what you mean.
I am very happy here, that has never been in question,I earn good money,any probs so far have been dealt with by H&R,however I do believe that the last month could of been handled a lot better

Dave Caldwell said...

Usual pathetic comments from someone who hasn't even got the balls to put a name to the posting, nice response Phil.

Montedarlo said...

Hi Dave, I assume that Anon is upset with the posting from 13 April when he refers to me as a tourist. Like I have said before I prefer to do small mileages, but I do them every day and at the end of the month I have usually hit 12-14000 miles.
And if I can fit in some fun time into the week then all in all I think it makes for good,enjoyable and profitable job.

Dave Caldwell said...

Nothing wrong with that sort of mileage. Maybe anon has an ulterior motive or something to hide, like a second log book lol.
In my experience most Canadian companies will not openly allow you to break the hours of service rules but will turn a blind eye to it when it suits them and supply the better work to those who will do it quickest. You and I both seem to be in a similar position.

Trkrjim said...

I'm staying out of this debate as I could only throw gasoline onto the fire.

Anonymous said...

Hi Phil,

I just felt I had to respond to Anon comments.

Do you think that this guy is a Brit? It seems to me most of the people who are drivers that read the blogs are ex pats.
It could even be H&R Management!!!

Firstly, it's a shame you don't identify yourself. What have you got to hide, maybe we all know you and that's why you stayed anon?

Secondly, I have to say you are talking rubbish. Montedarlo is one of the few guys I totally respect because he has the balls to say it how it is and comments on the bad as well as the good. He has also given us an idea of what we would be expected to earn by showing us his earnings, while others choose to keep quiet.

You say he should spend more time driving? Why is it that you people expect foreign drivers to act like robots and to clock up as many miles as possible in as short as time as possible and to run bent everywhere? We are all similar in what we want out of our move to Canada, and one of those is to improve our standard of living and also to make the job a big adventure and to see as many sights as possible. Phil lives in his truck, he hasn't got a home. Why the hell should the guy work 24/7 and not get away for a bit to relax and take time out?

If the firm took my truck (and home) away from me with all my gear in I'd be pretty piss*d too. Phil has been there months with no time off. As far as I'm concerned the firm should be bending over backwards to accommodate his request considering they have had months of notice and have been reminded all to often. You are sounding all to much like an employer!!

At the end of the day we are all looking at bettering our lives. We expect to work hard in Canada. I have yet to go. I know one thing though, why would I want to go to a different country to make my standard of living a lot WORSE? I want a better standard of living. Canadian firms should treat there foreign drivers with respect. Most of the drivers have, in my opinion, a better standard of experience. Most have driven in Europe, had to drive in places like London, negotiated very tight villages and loading areas. Most North Americans just sit on a Highway for 1,000 miles, make a left turn and are at there destination.

Lastly, if you want to be taken seriously, have the bottle to say who you are...

Steve--the Rooster said...

good reply Phil,

highway to hell said...

Hello i think i should step into this debate now. So phil i throughly understand that about you being pissed off with what happened in regards to your truck and trying to get over to New York i would not be happy eithier.

As for the comments on running two log books that is out of line as your painting drivers with the same brush, much like we all used to do with Foriegn drivers back home.

And there is a another very important point that you all seem to be missing, now imagine a bored DOT offical sat twidling his over weight fingers whilst munching on a twinky over his laptop and up pops this blog! now what do you suppose is going to go through his mind the next time he see's a H&R rig ?

Im sorry i couln't have debated this with you over the weekend Phil but i left my laptop charger in the truck.

I cannot see why the hell anyone would want to run two log books here anyway the job can be done legally if you dont fuck up and make the most of your driving hours everyday.

Anyway this is a blog and blogs are for opinions and you all just got mine !!

Maybe we should all get on with some work and stop proving that we have to much time on our hands to write this shit !!


Montedarlo said...

Hi to Jim,Andy,Dave and Highway.
Thanks for your comments as usual they are much appreciated.
Its late so cannot reply individually as I need some kip.