Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ten Mile Hill to Golden

The following video is from the Ten Mile Hill brake check area running into Golden. I believe that this stretch although not difficult to drive is one of the more demanding stretches of highway I regularly use. Particular attention needs to be paid to the rockface on your side of the road and the massive drop on the other as well as watching out for trucks over shooting and cutting corners.
As the video would of taken forever to watch it has been accelerated and because of that the sound has screwed up a little, sorry about that but video editing is not my thing.
I hope you enjoy it !!

ps. The camera is sat on the dash, resting on a cigarette packet and some nonslip matting.


andy said...

nice video can see that its a road your used too.whatever speed you were doing,i dont think i would be doing that until i had been down it quite a few times

Montedarlo said...

Hi Andy, trust me when I say that its a lot worse than it looks. Ok, in the winter when its covered with snow and ice its a different story but at this time of year its just the same as dropping down windy hill. I have always said that Sutton Bank on the way to Scarborough would terrify Canadian drivers whatever the weather. The big difference is that the views are a little more spectacular over here.

Cheers, Phil

Anonymous said...

Great vid Phil but rae you sure you speeded it up and you dint just use an irish overdrive!!!!
Glad to hear your taking a break weathers not bad up this end of england at mo(for a change!!)have a good hol fella.Roland(Yorkshire Tipper Driver).

Montedarlo said...

Hi Tipper Driver..are you the Roland who has commented here so welcome back...if not welcome and thanks for commenting.
The video has been sped up,although its called 10 mile hill there actually is some long arduous climb's.
The full length video is around 17 mins long and it was shortened to 9 mins. The twisties at the bottom of the hill are pretty serious and anything above the spped limit would cause them to become a bit of a handful.
Looking forward to the break at home, not long now !!

Best wishes,Phil