Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hello, well after a big drive I arrived in Calgary, dropped the trailer and hit the sack. The following morning I was asked to go to Creston BC empty and reload with beer to drop in the Calgary yard which I agreed to.
Now, I am not the biggest fan of going to British Columbia as the roads are pretty bad and there is limited parking places but the run to Creston is just fantastic. Its a 6hr jaunt full of fast roads,sweeping bends that you can carry speed through and I think it has some of the best scenery you can see. The pics above show a lovely panorama of Lake Moyie, covered in snow and just bloody glorious and a scale sign which has a great backdrop. I think its one of the best runs we do.
Loaded the beer and headed back to find I was loading from Taber which is 30 miles from Lethbridge to Sutherlin Oregon. Its only a short trip but once again the scenery is magnificent.
At the minute the truck is in the workshops as there is bad vibrations coming through the steering wheel as well as some funny noises and hopefully they will be fixed in the morning so I can have a steady time running the 1200 miles to Sutherlin in time to deliver on the 25th.
I am looking forward to the next few days as its a really nice drive. Will probably end up running into California for the reload but its not so bad now as I am getting used to the crazy drivers and hectic schedules. You never know, I could end up running down to load bananas then another night in Las Vegas could be on the cards, all in a days work eh !!!

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