Thursday, July 3, 2008

Still on the slippery downhill slope

Hi all. As I write this I have to physically stop myself from screaming and banging my head off a large object.
I arrived yesterday 2.30pm at the new delivery address,explained to a wannabe Hitler the reasons why I was there and proceeded to drop the trailer after Adolf had told me where to put it and was told I would be called when it was ready. Its now 7am Thursday and the trailer is apparently being "worked on".
Thats another wasted day to add to a bad week and I am beginning to wonder how long its going to last,surely its got to come to an end soon.
The customer has 50mins to get me on my way or the 2nd and final delivery is going to be late and unless despatch can sweet talk them that will mean another day sat around wasted.
I tried to make the best of yesterday and while waiting got the deck chair out and grabbed a book, this lasted all of 45 mins before once again the skies turned black and the heavens opened.
Going to put the coffee maker on and have a fresh brew, that should waste a few minutes.

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