Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Rolling across the Rockies.


Eventually got a load for British Columbia late Monday afternoon but decided to leave the following morning and by late lunchtime I was wishing I had gone the day before. Its a big drive to BC, I was fully freighted and the 600 miles take 13 to drive. Its a depressing trip but at least the weather was glorious and I met up with a mate I havn't seen for a while so that helped and we chatted on the CB.
It seems its not just me thats having to hang around for work, fingers crossed things pick up soon..
The new camera took a bit of a hammering, snapping away at scenery I have photographed on numerous occasions, just wanting to get the perfect shot. I am really impressed with the zoom and quality of the pictures, its opened up a whole new world of previously unreachable or unimpressive snaps. Really like this one, normally it would be like "yeah, snow on the mountains" The detail is awesome at 10x zoom.
I have my next job through, its a load of blueberries going to Tracy California and delivers at 0030am on saturday which gices me 950 miles to cover in 2 days.

I have been seriously looking at flying home for a few weeks pretty soon, the cost of fuel has hit the airlines and prices have soared, its not going to drop soon so I need to bite the bullet and hand over my hard earned cash.

While I remember I need to say "Hi" to Uncle Joe, I know you keep my grandad up to speed with what I am up to so thanks for that. We can maybe down a few cans together and you can show Alan (Grandad) that he is not too old to surf the web.

So, to finish off, I have 2 days of easy running in the sunshine ahead which I am looking forward and quite possibly a few weeks in the UK in the not to distant future.

1 comment:

Tony T said...

That new snapper looks pretty Dam good....
Tony t