Saturday, March 21, 2009

Lumpers update

The following was left by Trucker Jim on my comments page regarding my post on lumpers and gives more insight into the subject.

Thanks Jim

It is a sham but you only know half the story, let me explain. As recently as a few years ago lumpers were mostly scumbag degenerate types who hung around outside of these major warehouses looking for work. It was possible to negotiate with them and reign in the costs a bit. Then the powers that be saw a profit to be made and only allowed authorized lumpers, AKA the in house service. Some are now going further and like Wal-Mart actually charge you for their people to unload their order out of your truck. Don't want to pay? Do it yourself you say? They will not let you use the power equipment to get the pallets of the truck and if you can't get it done in 2 hours they will charge you and/or kick you out to make another appointment. Wal-Mart is one of the better ones, at least you know it's $50 and will be done in under 2 hours.

Trkrjim said...
I have heard that Canadian drivers unloading their own trucks in the U.S. are violating immigration laws since they don't have a legal right to work in the U.S. other than to drive. It sort of makes sense if you look at it from the perspective of they would be paid for it by their companies. And it does take place in the U.S. so it is in effect taking work away from the illegal alien who would normally do it...

Jims blog can be found by clicking the link on the left of this page for Americas favourite trucker or by clicking HERE

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Does Wal-Mart use an 3rd party lumper service? Or do they use their own people?